Wednesday, November 17, 2010

35% of the Birds in Kerala Facing Extinction Threat

A recent study has confirmed that about 35% of the birds present in Kerala are facing serious extinction threat.  If no measures are taken to save these animals being wiped away, then there would be serious ecological issues. The extinction threat for the birds arises due to various factors such as pollution, climatic changes, deforestation etc.

The water level in Kerala is decreasing rapidly and as a result there is an increased scarcity for water. This has been one of the major reasons for many rare birds missing from the scenario and if this continues more precious bird species would be vanished in the coming years.

Pollution from vehicles, factories etc has been one of chief causes of this issue. The polluted atmosphere has made it difficult for these birds to survive and as a result a large number of them flee away to other states or dies away. The only way to prevent this is to control the pollution rate caused by vehicles and factories. It is high time that the Government of Kerala and other officials take appropriate steps towards this.

The global climatic changes are also another reason for the mass removal of these precious and rara bird species. The climatic changes have changed the overall ecology and as a result many bird species find it tough to survive and gradually they fade away. There are some bird sanctuaries in Kerala which provide facilities for the birds to live and survive, but they are not sufficient.

The deforestation is cutting of trees or cleaning of the forest for living and industrial purposes. In the major cities in Kerala, a lot of trees have been cut down to build huge commercial buildings and residential flats. This has deprived the birds of a secure place to live and as a result they are forced to migrate from the place. Some of them also die due to these ecological changes.

A lot of studies have been conducted across various wildlife and bird sanctuaries across Kerala, but I am not sure whether the Government of Kerala would be able to come up with any solution to prevent this. Otherwise in the near future Birds would be something like characters from a fairy tale. Hope that doesn't happen.

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